The Three Shires Networking website is provided by Silver Websites (the author of this directory and referred to as 'we/us' in the remainder of these T&Cs).
We do not check or verify the businesses listed.
Businesses/organisations can be included in this list if they are an active member of the Three Shires Networking group (e.g. attended at least 2 out of the 4 last meetings); this inclusion is provided at no cost and we reserve the right to delete any entry in the Directory at any point at our discretion.
Content on listings and changes to listings can be made by logging in and making the changes yourself, but you take full responsibility for all content therein.
Data entered is accepted by us 'in good faith'.
By joining the database companies agree to being contacted by Silver Websites and Three Shires Networking group either in writing, electronically or by telephone only for the purposes of communication regarding the Directory.
Misuse of the Directory by any organisation will result in removal from the list.
Any Directory related complaints should be made to us.
The inclusion of any company or organisation in this directory should not be seen as an endorsement of that company's products and/or services.
We do not check or verify reviews provided. We reserve the right to delete any reviews. Any concerns over reviews for your business should be made to us.